Our Flagship Professional Development Program
Capstone Case Study Curriculum
Building a Capstone Case Study during this 10-week program involved many steps.
First, small group teams of 4-6 interns were built and led by volunteer coaches. Each group’s goal was to make a multi-disciplinary business plan on how a company or industry could survive COVID-19’s impact. Government functions were also considered.
When each team chose their focus, they then analyzed and tested questions like:
What are the best changes we can suggest, such as:
Operational processes
New target demographics
How might day-to-day changes impact staff or customers?
How can the company stay profitable?
Will the nearby community be impacted?
What should the owner need to do differently?
In week 4, interns presented their “statement of challenge” to a large panel. Then, in week 8, they returned to the panel to share their final recommendations. Some had new marketing plans while others designed mockups for new online tools.
Along the way, interns learned and used a vast array of business skills, such as project management and strategic thinking.
Program Schedule
Week 1
Program Orientation
Welcome and introductions
Review curriculum and schedule
Introduce cases and groups
Team building activity
Industry Panel discussion
Business Panel discussion
First meeting with coach and advisor
Week 2
Problem-solving and
Project Planning
Approaching the case study
Strategies for problem-solving
Market research
Design thinking
Project planning
Measuring success
Project Management Keynote
Week 3
Digital Solutions for
Business Challenges
Presenting with confidence
Presenting user experience scenarios and prototypes
Best practices in designing presentations
Digital Health Case Study
Digital Transformation Keynote
Week 4
Data Science and Analysis
Making data-driven decisions
Leveraging technology for project work
Business Experts Panel:
present your case study company/organization situation
COVID-19 challenges
Week 5
Professional and Personal Development
Building resilience in an uncertain landscape
Mindfulness and well-being
Building your brand
Resume guidelines
LinkedIn best practices
Providing and receiving feedback
Networking Activity
Brand-building Keynote
Week 6 & 7
Business Communications
Strategies for workplace communications (Email, IM, Slack, Teams, Yammer etc.)
Business writing for internal communications
Communications styles in the workplace
Persuasion and the art of influence
Cross-functional collaboration
Business Communications Keynote
Week 8 & 9
Business Strategy and Implementation
Scenario planning
Business Case development
Organizational Change Management
Entrepreneur Keynote
Best Practices in Delivering Presentations
Week 10
Capstone week!
Each group presents case recommendations to panel of experts
Lessons learned
Program review and next steps
Team building activity
Inspirational Keynote